Finally after four years of study and toil, we got our degree certificates few days back. And now we are all computer engineers ! Although it wasn't such an totally pleasant environment in our college there were several other things that changed us and made us what we are today. Of them, one thing regarding me was the exciting journey through the world of computer science. Choosing my subject of passion have made me enjoy learning every bit of it. Another thing was that I was fortunate enough to meet some of the best friends I have in this world. They have amazed me in every way of their living and brought out the better human being in me. We forged a lot of life-time relationships on the go, now we know we are not gonna part any time soon.I feel I've learned a lot and gained a lot from there more than I would have from anywhere else. Of course, Tirunelveli is a hot place, but you've got lot of good places to live and stay at Tirunelveli.
Kudos to each of the nice people I met in my college life and every teacher who guided me all the way through the very rugged path to success.
College : Infant Jesus College Of Engineering, Tirunelveli
Batch : 2007 - 2011
Kudos to each of the nice people I met in my college life and every teacher who guided me all the way through the very rugged path to success.
College : Infant Jesus College Of Engineering, Tirunelveli
Batch : 2007 - 2011
Congrats...& happy to know that you have gained a lot from your lovely college life...hope all those friends & those nice memories stay with you for ever....all the very best for a wonderful future ahead !!!