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Developing Facebook Applications In PhpFog

I've experimented developing facebook applications in several newly emerged venues, namely,
  • Goolge App Engine ( Java )
  • Heroku ( Php )
I got the chance to explore these cloud platforms very deep and learned a lot on the way. For some reason or the other, none of them met my requirements ( they were quite vast :P ) . Now, I've got an account into and done with quite a few testing. So far, I feel it's the best cloud platform ( PaaS ) for facebook applications in php.

Good Sides of PhpFog

I felt the Git usage from linux is easier in than heroku
Allows all Image manipulation functions ( i.e. supports GD library )

It's quite easy to get started with a new facebook application in phpfog.

1. Sign-up at phpfog
2. Create a cloud
3. Create an application  --> Choose Facebook application from the list of presented applications
4. Download it with the Git

That was just an overview, detailed steps are described in their documentation very neatly.

I got a working facebook sample application done by now :

I tried updating it via the git and succeeded ( I changed the "Welcome to" to "Welcome 2" )

Now grab a good book or google for sample programs and start your way in to the world of facebook applications!


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