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Facebook Application Development With Java In Google App Engine in Linux

Well, for some of you the title might seem weird. I've been recently very curious on facebook application development models. And my love for java and Google app engine have led me to explore whether facebook application development is possible in Java with Google App Engine. I've recently shifted my entire work-base to Ubuntu so the entire development process will be in Linux environment.Long back, facebook have officially stopped supporting java for developing facebook applications. However, some java freaks have created the library files that still supports facebook applications development in java parallel to the capability of php. Usually, 'python' is used to develop facebook applications in Google App Engine. I'm curious to find whether the same stuff can be done with java on Google App Engine. I'm just going to scratch the surface and do a trial. I'll try to stay posted this time.

Current Status:

  1. I've eclipse 3.5 for Ubuntu installed from the Ubuntu software center.
  2. I've installed the eclipse plug-in for supporting Google App Engine .
  3. I've finished the step 'Creating a project' and successfully executed the 'Guestbook' application from the tutorial provided by Google.
  4. I tried exporting the facebook libraries for java development from according the instructions I followed from a tutorial form
  5. It had deployed successfully. No Errors Yet!!!!

1st Status Update:

After 6 hours of pulling my hairs and drifting through several tutorials. I'd to give up with partial results. Everything went well almost till the end. It would've been nice if udayogra had given it all easily. Unfortunately, he had given only the skeleton of Java coding a facebook application. I had to add and correct at so many places. But finally, to my delight, I coded the complete error free servlet he had mentioned as skeleton in his tutorials. Doing all these in Google App Engine was pretty difficult.

Outcome: I got a non-functioning but live java facebook application hosted in Google App Engine. ( link (it might/might-not work rt now))

I'm pretty sure it can be made live by correcting some logical errors in supplying the parameter inside index.html and successfully making it retrieve inside the servlet. The output.jsp is still just a skeleton, I just made sure that it works (it works! :) )

To Do:
  • To try creating a <form> in input.html and pass the parameters to servlet.
  • Understand better about 'session' in facebook application.
  • Find out what on earth happened at the end of my tweaking the final code that stopped displaying the 'session' value!
I'd really like to continue with the rest of the task again tomorrow . I hope the talks planned tomorrow with the company that hired( me goes well or some other alternative opens as God wills.


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